
Pricing & FAQ


Free Trial Package

£0 /list

200+ Prospects 

Do it yourself
We provide you prospect’s list
No credit card required
Verified Business Emails
Intent Data
Message sequence
LinkedIn Outreach
Email Marketing

Free Download

Silver Package

£200 /list

2000+ Prospects per month

Do it yourself
We provide you prospect’s list
Verified business emails
Intent data
No contract – cancel anytime!
Message sequence
LinkedIn Outreach
Email Marketing




£1800 /Month

2000+ Prospects per month (Done for you)

Done for you
Written message sequence
We provide you prospect’s list
Intent data
Verified business emails
No contract – cancel anytime!

Free Consultation


£2800 /Month

5000+ Prospects per month

Done for you
Email Marketing
Dedicated manager
Dedicated copywriter
We provide you prospect’s list
Verified business emails
Intent data
Written message sequence
No contract – cancel anytime!

Free Consultation



Have Any Questions?


If your question is not here, feel free to contact us!

What is Get Meeting Booked?

Get Meeting Booked is a lead generation agency that helps B2B companies generate meetings and interests using LinkedIn and Email outreach.
Our team is doing professional outreach to your potential customer (prospect) on LinkedIn and email in your name from a look-a-like email address or/and your LinkedIn Profile. When the prospect responded and it’s interested in a meeting, we are transferring the conversation to you. The prospect wouldn’t notice that he is speaking with us at any time.

Note: You will have to give us access to your LinkedIn profile so we can do the optimization & start with the outreach to your dream clients and get you meetings.

What results can I expect?

On average, clients see between 30-50 new conversations with ideal buyers for every 1000 prospects contacted. We have clients that have 10-15 meetings booked per month.


Why your pricing is lower than your competitors?

We want our clients to have the best chance to get positive ROI. That’s why we are a performance-based marketing agency, you are charged only if we deliver (with only a small retainer so we can cover only a part of our domain, server and employee costs).

Some of our competitors are charging from 2,500€ to 5,000€ per month. We are charging a small retainer of 500€ per month plus a performance fee of 200€ per meeting booked.

Note: The first month we need to warm up the domains and servers, and the outreach starts in month 2. The setup fee (first month) is 250€. In month one we are building the prospect list for you, writing the content and warming up the domains. This is a must as if we start doing outreach in the first month, we can have issues with deliverability later in the process.

Do I need LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Yes. (If you want Linkedin Outreach)

‍Does Get Meeting Booked handle responses from new leads?

Yes! As soon as the prospect responds, we are booking the meeting for you!

Do you offer recruitment services?

Yes. Feel free to contact us and we can make a custom deal.

Do you offer any refunds?

Yes, if we fail to deliver a meeting, we will refund 50%.